The importance of independent and strong media in our society has grown even more in recent years. It is therefore timely to discuss what kind of media policy we want for the coming years. The fact that the Ministry of Culture, which is responsible for the media sector, has been able to carry out many laudable tasks helps to put this discussion in a constructive way.
Most importantly, funding for the media support has multiplied.
It is now possible to focus on the discussion of media policy guidelines, which will be the main policy document for the coming years in the media sector. Gradually increasing the available funding is also one of the central challenges for the coming years.
It is equally important to find an optimal solution for Latvia’s media relations with global digital platforms such as Facebook, Google, etc. The third task will be to promote digital transformation in the Latvian media. It should be noted here that the Ministry of Culture has secured significant financial resources from European Union funds for this purpose.
The fourth task is to continue working on the responsibility of journalists and the media, to improve the institutions of the media ombudsman. In Latvia, the importance of the local media is especially important, recognizing that the contribution of journalists is vital in preserving and improving Latvian as a small language.