May 15 - June 12
The Sustainable Business Academy will provide you with practical knowledge and skills for implementing sustainability principles in business. We organize the training course in small groups in the form of interactive lessons, providing time for discussing best practices and the experiences of the course participants, which will allow you to navigate the complex world of sustainable business.
In the training, you will look at the most important concepts of the topic of sustainability, starting with environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, ending with the evaluation criteria of your suppliers. During the training, you will practice adapting the universal principles of sustainability specifically to the unique needs and goals of your company. In all seminars, participants will have practical tasks.
Participation fee: 450 eur + VAT*
Attending a separate seminar: 120 eur + VAT
* Certificates will be awarded at the end of the full course completion of training
How do I choose the right sustainability reporting standard for my company?
May 24, at 15.00 - 17.00
2nd training seminar
Participation fee - 120 eur + VAT
This seminar will provide an overview of sustainability reporting standards and recommendations on how to choose the standard that best suits your company's needs. Participants will gain insight into the evolution of sustainability (ESG) reporting. By understanding the key drivers, you will try to identify and apply standards that align with your company's goals and values.
Introductory lecture. What is sustainability? How do I navigate sustainability concepts and legislation?
May 15, at 15.00 - 17.00
1st training seminar
Participation fee - 120 eur + VAT
In this seminar, the participants will get acquainted with the concepts of sustainability and the essential regulatory requirements for companies. The main topics include the methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, the European Union taxonomy, etc. topics.
How do I choose the right sustainability reporting standard for my company?
May 24, at 15.00 - 17.00
2nd training seminar
Participation fee - 120 eur + VAT
This seminar will provide an overview of sustainability reporting standards and recommendations on how to choose the standard that best suits your company's needs. Participants will gain insight into the evolution of sustainability (ESG) reporting. By understanding the key drivers, you will try to identify and apply standards that align with your company's goals and values.
How to identify sustainability risks in my company and how to assess them?
May 29, at 15.00 - 17.00
3rd training seminar (2h)
Participation fee - 120 eur + VAT
In this seminar, participants will gain practical skills on how to identify and assess sustainability risks in their company. The participants of the seminar will learn how to define and involve interested parties, set sustainable development goals and search for solutions that comply with the principles of "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)". By participating in the seminar, the participants will get acquainted with solutions for developing and using a risk map, and materiality analysis for assessing the company's sustainability aspects.
How do I choose the right sustainability reporting standard for my company?
May 24, at 15.00 - 17.00
2nd training seminar
Participation fee - 120 eur + VAT
This seminar will provide an overview of sustainability reporting standards and recommendations on how to choose the standard that best suits your company's needs. Participants will gain insight into the evolution of sustainability (ESG) reporting. By understanding the key drivers, you will try to identify and apply standards that align with your company's goals and values.
How to identify sustainability risks in my company and how to assess them?
May 29, at 15.00 - 17.00
3rd training seminar (2h)
Participation fee - 120 eur + VAT
In this seminar, participants will gain practical skills on how to identify and assess sustainability risks in their company. The participants of the seminar will learn how to define and involve interested parties, set sustainable development goals and search for solutions that comply with the principles of "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)". By participating in the seminar, the participants will get acquainted with solutions for developing and using a risk map, and materiality analysis for assessing the company's sustainability aspects.
Courses are also available online
If you live outside of Riga, if there are limited opportunities to attend seminars in person, or if it is more convenient to connect to seminars from a computer, then it is also possible to apply for remote training, you only need a computer with an Internet connection. Courses take place on the same days in form of morning sessions.
Līga Rubene
"TENACHEM SIA" Vides pārvaldības speciāliste
Lielisks ceļvedis par ilgtspējas principu izpratni, kas nav nemaz tik viegla, ņemot vērā tās plašo ietvaru. Gluži, kā kursa pieteikumā, tas patiešām bija interaktīvi, ar patiesi pieredzes bagātiem kursa vadītājiem, zinošiem kolēģiem no dažādām nozarēm, kam jau bija lielāka vai mazāka pieredze ilgtspējas jautājumos. Tā rezultātā no šī kursa esmu ieguvusi ne tikai strukturētas teorētiskās zināšanas, bet arī praktisku iespēju izvērtēt sava pārstāvētā uzņēmuma - stikla pakešu un celtniecības hermētiķu ražotāja SIA "TENACHEM" - pieredzi ilgtspējas stratēģijas ieviešanā.
Sabīna Alta
SIA “Laflora” Attīstības direktore
"A great testimonial can boost your brand’s image. Click to edit and add your own."
Lekcijas piedāvāja stabilu pamatu, noskaidrojot ilgtspējības pamatkoncepcijas, attiecīgos tiesiskos regulējumus, efektīvi ieskicējot ilgtspējas nozīmi mūsdienu uzņēmējdarbības vidē un juridiskās saistības, ar kurām saskaras uzņēmumi.
Izmantojot praktiskus piemērus, bija iespēja gūt dziļāku izpratni par to kā atpazīt, novērtēt un mazināt ilgtspējas riskus.
Pēc manām domām, akadēmijas vērtīgākais aspekts bija sniegtās norādes par stabilas ilgtspējas stratēģijas, plāna un ziņojuma izstrādi.
Ieva Jonsone
"Sit Right AB" Eksporta menedžere
“Have customers review you and share what they had to say. Click to edit and add their testimonial.”
No šī kursa ieguvu ne tikai vispārējās zināšanas par ilgtspējības jautājumiem, bet arī strukturētu pieeju gan no uzņēmuma viedokļa, gan sabiedrības, kā arī kopējo ainu kā pasaule un Eiropa aplūko šo problemātiku. Īpaši augsti novērtēju, ka ieguvu nepieciešamo bāzes informāciju, lai varētu būvēt strukturētāku ilgtspējas stratēģiju uzņēmumā, kā arī izveidot pasākumu kopienu, lai praktiski ieviestu šo uzņēmumā.
Marika Krūmiņa
SAKRET projektu asistente
Es ieguvu daudz jaunu zināšanu gan vispārīgi par ilgtspēju un zaļo kursu, gan arī kā integrēt ilgtspēju uzņēmumā un dot pozitīvu ietekmi uz sabiedrību un vidi. Liels paldies kursa vadītājiem, Olgai Veilandei un Armandam Gūtmanim, par viņu profesionalitāti un spēju sarežģītus jautājumus izstāstīt viegli saprotamā veidā!
Iveta Audzēviča
SIA TENAX, Biznesa procesu vadītāja
"A great testimonial can boost your brand’s image. Click to edit and add your own."
No šī kursa es ieguvu dziļāku izpratni par ilgtspējību, stratēģijas būtību, tās principiem, dziļāku izpratni par ilgtspējas standartiem, terminu skaidrojumiem, Praktiski piemēri deva vēl labāku sapratni. Vērtīgi bija mācību materiāli, kas palīdz labāk izprast. Noderīgas diskusijas ar citiem uzņēmuma pārstāvjiem, viņu pieredzi un redzējumu šajā jomā.