Thanks to the Latvian Investment and Development Agency for the opportunity to present to export-oriented companies on October 21 the current topic of the need for investment in the company’s sustainability.
Our experience shows that Latvian companies are increasingly focusing on sustainability and defining their attitudes.
In some sectors, companies have recently and still are in a state of some shock to the potential changes in the market segment resulting from sustainability and climate policies.
For example, it now turns out that biomass is not a sustainable raw material and would not be good for energy, and that woodchip boilers may need to be radically modernized. Some are shocked by the need to reduce pesticides, others by technologies that do not yet exist, such as truck transport.
The second observation is that in Latvia, and in the European Union, the business sector or individual companies are intensively increasing their resistance to sustainability regulations.
However, we are trying to argue that the right position would hardly be to run the train forward or to “lie on the rails” and brake everything. The company’s position should be complex.